Losing and maintaining weight.
A lot of people want to be slim. Everyday thousands of people are struggling with diet plans in order to lose weight and finally be slim. The diet has just come to an end and the weight has been lost but then the worrying settles in - how long will the effects of the diet actually last?
Losing weight and maintaining weight are two completely different problems.
Many people are completely driven to lose weight and achieve their goals. However very few people are able to maintain the weight that they have lost with the same kind of enthusiasm.
Why is it easier to lose weight than to maintain it?
The root of the problem usually lies in the way that most people try to lose weight. The normal way to lose weight is to go on a diet. The person sticks to a very strict diet plan for a couple of weeks. If the person sticks to the diet plan, they will more or less lose weight during this period.
Why is it so difficult to maintain the weight after a diet?
During the diet, the person usually sticks to a very strict diet plan. Unfortunately those using diet plans learn very little about the right selection of food. For this reason, most people who have completed a diet return to their old eating habits after the diet. It is no wonder that the now thin person gains weight quickly in a short period of time. They are then back where they started. A diet cannot be successful in the long-run if the eating habits are not permanently changed.
In order to maintain the lost weight for a longer period of time, it is necessary to do more than just go on a diet.
Staying slim on a long-term basis involves the following:
- Reducing the calorie intake to a normal amount.
- Increasing the calorie expenditure by doing more physical activities.
- Getting rid of bad eating habits such as stress eating, eating out of boredom or eating when not hungry.
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